
TED Active Daily Update T Minus 1 Day

This is part of of my daily coverage of the TED Active Conference. You can follow regularly updates on Social Media.

TEDx Organizers are a dedicated bunch, and we answer to a higher calling, we answer the desire and need to challenge our limits.

The Conference STARTS before you board the plane. I am serious, if you got a flight inbound to Vancouver; you will run into your fellow TEDsters on the flight. The conversations and awesomeness begins. From there its only uphill.

Today was the day of the TEDxWorkshop. Its a 1 day workshop for TEDx Organizers, who come to learn how to run a better TEDx event. This is one of my most favorite things about going to TED.

One of the coolest part of the day is the back stage tour of TED before we head to whistler for TED Active. We got to see the setup, and a tour of how they actually run TED. They also give us a little treat, but letting us watch one of the speakers doing their rehearsals. I am sworn to secrecy till after the talk goes live as not to give away anything.

I think there is something awesome, about just TEDx Organizers. We are a very dedicated bunch who wants to do more and we all want to use the TED platform to make things a better place. They are not just people starting out; I met a TEDx Organizer who is also a seriously respected Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley. I also met staff members of the White houses, folks from the MIT media lab and way more people than you can imagine. As I right this, I am sitting next to a guy who does brain surgery. Yes we are all TEDx Organizers, and no matter how busy we are, no matter how important the work we do it.


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About Brian Lim

Brian Lim, is an space entrepreneurs, who lives in Sydney Australia and an advocate for global change and adaptation.

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